The Factory

Extrunoga features differentiating characteristics in several processes and a high degree of automation, which makes it unique in the sector.

Flecha abajo

Inbound process for raw materials

Spout with trough suction system, and subsequent pre-cleaning and descaling, which minimizes the potential microbiological and mycotoxin content of the raw materials.

Milling process

Hammer and roller mills that enable us to attain of a specific particle size or granulometry, and an optimal composition in the flours for the extrusion process, adding definitive differential value to our products.

Milling process

Hammer and roller mills that enable us to attain of a specific particle size or granulometry, and an optimal composition in the flours for the extrusion process, adding definitive differential value to our products.

Extrusion process

Application of wet extrusion to a potential previous mixture of solids with possible addition of liquids to this matrix during the extrusion process itself. This functionality is a unique feature that sets Extrunoga’s plant apart from other competitors.

Drying and cooling process

Equipment specially designed for drying products to which high moisture contents are added in the extrusion process.

Drying and cooling process

Equipment specially designed for drying products to which high moisture contents are added in the extrusion process.